Tuesday, 25 January 2011

"Round Da Way Tim" detail

Ok, so a day before the release of the 3rd TimbalandThursday song I guess I gotta tell you a small, but interesting, detail about the 2nd installment, "Round Da Way Tim".
You probably already know that the song was not only solo Timbo track (as of rapping) but also a solo Timbaland production...well not totally.
He had some help on the vocals...you know, these "uuuuuuuuoohhh" vocals in the background.
Who might this be? Maybe Mike Tompkins, who is known for making/remaking beats only with his voice, Jim Beanz? Or Tim himself? But no, doesn't sound like his voice at all lol.
Anyways, it's none of the above. The guy who did these vocals was...Wizz Dumb (yes, I was surprised too lol)!! Timbo just asked him to record them.

So, now we know, the 2nd TimbalandThursdays song "Round Da Way Tim" is also the first song we got to hear from all the sessions Timbo & Wizz Dumb had together in the past months!

Check out the track again, before "they" tryin to shut down TimboThursdays (whatever this latest tweet from Timbo means):

4 Comment(s):

Kaka92 said...

lol never tought wizz could do such a good vocal i was supriesd i was certain this was female sample at first but then i thought it was probably jim beanz like in the post but then wizz lol interesting he has to have a preety good voice for singin i also heard he will be singing on one of sebastinas songs on sebs album

thepestilence said...

i love timbo's flow on this...
didnt think wizz had it in him...
what do u mean they trying to shut down timbo thursdays???
who would do that???
i cant wait for tomorrow...and just heard they shootin a video for warped...that song is fishing in my head...
am loving the new year so far

Anonymous said...

Tim. Stop rapping please. Going from down to earth to bragging about how much more have then imaginary people in 2 bars = fail.

miguel said...

Just looking at old stuff, Need more of this type production this song is probably the best of tim thursdays