Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Rico - "Kick Back" (making of)

You guys might have read a couple of tweets by Wizz Dumb about this track "Kick Back" he did with Rico. And now we're finally able to hear some parts of it!!
Check out the making of the Paul Coy Allen directed music video of the song "Kick Back" by Rico (prod. by Wizz Dumb):

Isn't that Wizz Dumb making these "mmmhmmmm, yeah" sounds in the hook? haha

7 Comment(s):

Kaka92 said...

this is kind of old i remember seing this 4 monts back

N.L.O said...

The song "Wobbley ft. Timbaland" leaked

Unknown said...

yep it leaked awhile back but sebastian didnt want us to post it then :D

Alex said...

lol The dude Rico seems like the BIGGEST tool. Wow. Love the mispellings in the pink end credits, too. SMH...

Some nice-looking girls there, though.

Unknown said...

LMAO @ this idiot singing.

All Terrible Everything.

Unknown said...

I love the song and I have seen Rico perform this kid has mad energy death to the hatred

da CHEF said...

wasnt impressed at all...but maybe ill give it another try another day...maybe itll grow on me