Friday, 25 February 2011

Timbaland feat. J'Royal Price & Jimmy Codean - "Hot Mess" [Update]

At the end of the day, Timbaland comes back with the 7th installment of his TimbalandThursdays.
And this time, the track features two of Wizz Dumb's artists J'Royal Price & Jimmy Codean on the crazy Hip Hop track "Hot Mess"!
Check it out:

Timbaland featuring J'Royal Price & Jimmy Codean - "Hot Mess"
[produced by Wizz Dumb]

download: "Hot Mess" [right-click/save as]




[Update]: The song is produced by none other than Mr. Dumb Drumbs Productions, Wizz Dumb!!!

16 Comment(s):

EQ said...

honeslty... awesome!

Kaka92 said...

not bad quiet intersting but tim still needs to stop feauturing in songs he needs to concetrate on his production

thepestilence said...

damn man...thats a sick beat...
y does timbo rap in a high pitch...he should do the voice from "bounce"...

is soshy in the background...saying all aboard...
didnt care much for the rapping...and didnt change much in the chorus... monotonous if u axe me...
cmon timbo its time for a JT track...

this track is a 6.5

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

Nah, dude this ain't it.
Timbaland Thursday is the perfect example for an anti-climax.
Doesn't sound like he puts too much thought into the quality of what he releases.
Getting bad reviews for this series all around.
Timbaland Thursday looked better on paper.

Jim said...

I like this better than anything released from the series so far. The beat is fire.

ViN Rawli said...

HOT BEAT but i think he should give it to JayZ lol JayZ feat. Missy and Tim

Kaka92 said...

Yeah he needs to that bounce style voice and he shouldnt rap and sing so much in his productions he shuld left the rapping to the artist

Bilza said...

Cool beat only it's not produced by Timbaland. Timbaland should try giving credit to Wizz Dumb the producer and not just to his VA artists.

As of now the best Timbaland Thursday track has been Twista's "Don't Blow My High" (co-produced with Danja) and that's only a snippet.

Venture said...

I'm not a fan of this, but Tim needs to show more that WD did this.

Maylay said...

He's lost his midas touch..
Feeling way too nostalgic..

Kody said...

Wow I had a strong feeling he didn't produce this and I was right lol. It is a hot beat though but was missing that edge that Timbaland has.

miguel said...

I like it and he is putting his camp on why the hate

thepestilence said...

wow...wizz dumb produced it???
nice work on da beat...but thats about it...
these last 2 thursdays were horrible...
timbo needs to step it up for us...not that we're not thankful for the free music,but as fans he got us used to a certain level of production...
i hope he gives us some cornell sound or JT harmonies...i need timbo grunge back in my life...

how come timbo and ryan tedder aint producing with each other offence to all his other co-producers,but ryan is his sickest he's got a ridiculous voice...
his falsetto is wild...

i really hope SV3 is as good as everyone claims...

Alex said...

SO anticlimactic in the chorus. Wow. Can't believe no one in the camp suggested anything to help that out. But hot beat otherwise, lol. Awful song, though.

Frederick said...

This makes me think of "Hello". That's all I'll say about that one.

Anonymous said...

Probably the best track overall from the bunch... and Tim didn't produce it. Step it up TIM.

Only crit I have is the weak hook.