Tuesday, 22 February 2011

two Keri Hilson songs

In the last few days, 2 songs by Keri Hilson leaked. The full version of "Black Cloud" (apparently produced by The Neptunes) and "Captain Song", produced by Polow Da Don.
Check 'em out:

Keri Hilson - "Black Cloud"

Keri Hilson - "Captain Song"


5 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

LOVE Keri.
HATE both of these.

Anonymous said...

Not hard to see why these weren't on the album.

Alex said...

Keri's just awful on the "Captain Song". Horrible, horrible, horrible.

Kaka92 said...

I dont know i kind of like captain

Anonymous said...

uh... captian song dont sound like keri at all, i dont think thats her