Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Danja "studio stories"

Also an article from Vibe.com, an interview with Danja where he talks about stories from some song with Timbo and solo productions.
Check out the parts with Timbo mentioned:


"We didn’t discuss any concepts with Future Sex/Love Sounds, everything just came out. 'What Goes Around' was the very first song we did for the start of that album. I like to have the studio for a little bit before anyone, so I got in there before Timb and when he came I just started playing that core sound with the guitar. Then he came right in with the drums. And Justin just started walking around the room humming melodies. The track took a couple hours and the song took two days.

'My Love' came after "What Goes Around." Timb did a track before where I was just stuck questioning why am I even doing this. I think I was stuck for one day or two. Funny because that song he did didn’t even make the album even though Justin did a song to it… 'My Love' changed the whole album. I had some songs I was experimenting with and I kept asking how can I flip this. Justin had this guy named J Anderson and he heard what I was doing in my headphones and was like ‘What the fuck is that?!’ I heard dance and techn and was always interested in it but didn’t really know where to go. But I went to a club one night and saw that people were losing their mind to these dance tracks. It wasn’t really that I wanted to mimic that sound. I just wanted to have that energy and have people going crazy. So I knew the fusion was putting R&B with trance. As soon as I put the boom boom kat, I knew it.

A lot of [that track] is definitely me and Timb came through and added a couple of things later, he beatboxed on it of course and add a couple little sounds. The basis of it was is me and then we collaborated on the finish of it. The energy from that song carried for a long time. That whole album brought a newness to the business.

"'My Love" was the track that definitely carried the energy for the rest of the album. After that we did 'Sexy Back', 'Summer Love', 'The End Of Time,' 'Sexy Ladies'… all within an hour the next day. We was feeling good [laughs]

I still don’t understand the title of 'Sexy Back', but it worked [laughs]. Everyone from Access Hollywood to MTV was saying he’s bringing sexy back, but we didn’t think that deep about it. There was no conversation about it. I'm bringing sexy back was the first thing out of Justin's mouth when he was listening to that track. It was an unorthodox chorus and just took off. It’s incredible watching Justin work because he’s like a rapper freestyling. I had no idea that he wrote that well. If I could go back into the studio and find one shred of paper with one lyric from that album, I’d sell it on Ebay for $2 million. But I’m never going to find that piece of paper. He wrote these songs all in his head. That’s rare. It was incredible."

"Me and Timabalnd did that song before we even got in the studio with Nelly. We did the whole album for Nelly, then we played that song and she was a little bit iffy [and said] we’ll come back to it. But throughout the making of the album, it left room for that. That was literally the last song we recorded and became the biggest hit. It was just one of those unstoppable records."

Thanks to edwin again fro the heads-up.

3 Comment(s):

thepestilence said...

does anyone know that song that made him wanna stop???
and if its that good,how come they didnt release it...even though jt sang on it???
danja is cool...miss the days he was with timbo...
its obvious that he is pissed because timbo gets all the credit and he barely gets mentioned...

miguel said...

They make great music together he is dope on his own also

Kaka92 said...

non the less danja earned so much money he can live up for years whitout doing anything