Friday, 11 February 2011

Timbaland feat. Keri Hilson - "You Lied, You Cheated"

At the end of the day, Timbaland finally releases his 5th installment of Timbaland Thursdays. Yesterday, Timbaland already kind of hinted what this track is going to be about and that Keri will be a feature (on his discussion on twitter about cheating in a relationship).
So, here is the brand new TimbalandThursday song "You Lied, You Cheated" by Timbaland feat. Keri Hilson...with veeery similar drums as in Missy's "Swat Dat Fly"!
Check it out:

Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson - "You Lied, You Cheated"
(produced by Timbaland)

"You Lied, You Cheated" (right-click/save as)



23 Comment(s):

Jim said...

Isn't this song like freshly recorded as in the last day or so? I'm not crazy about it as a song, but it's definitely a step in the right direction as far as the production goes.

LaurenM said...

FINALLY a track with keri. too bad it's not Cover's Blown but whatever. i'm happy with what we got :)

Renegade Tom said...

the drums sound similar to "Swat Dat Fly"

Pete. said...

hmmm. if he wanted a song about cheating and stuff, why not just release 'your cover's blown'?
it's nothing special for me but the beat is alright.
from timbo thursdays and the snippets we've heard, i really hope to god that sv3 supersedes and shits all over sv2.

Black Arrow said...

man, I think Tim hasn't used that voice effect since...shock value 1?
Glad he's coming back with that. every other producer or writer tried to copy it back in 06-08 lol
I like what he did with the "Swat Dat Fly" drums.
for me, this is the best new track released on TimboThursdays, so far (I say 'new' because "Lil Apartment" isn't really new lol)

Kaka92 said...

this is the right direction if we get this type of beats on sv3 the album will be doep =)

Alex said...

Agree with Jimmy and Thomas

timbaland said...

the beat the beat is so fimilliar ! .. good song but the production is kinda like i heard it before .. so i gotta say lyrics are amazing , production was need to something new

Unknown said...

same drums as the beat in the MIA videos!!

Venture said...

Meh, to be honest. :)

Frederick said...

Co-sign Venture. I haven't really been feeling the Timbaland Thursday joints. At most, I'll play them 10 times, with the exception of Lil' Apartment.

There always seems to be something missing. I don't know what exactly, though.

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

You're not alone, Fredrick.
Timbo Thursdays have been mad underwhelming to me,in all honesty.
I appreciate that Tim is releasing free music but its the quality of the music that's not cutting it for me.
First mistake is that he's holding back the dope stuff, unlike 'Ye who let the good stuff fly regardless of if it was meant for the new album or not. Another failing component is having uninteresting features. I mean even Swizz Monster Mondays have gets to get excited over...Timbo Thursdays, not so much. That Brandy guest spot was such an anti-climax.
The third but most important thing is the fact that Tim seems to be the only person eager to put himself out as an artist. Let's not act like we didn't enjoy Shock Value because of the superb production and guest spots, not Tim's artistry. He does alright but he's no Kanye West.
I think he should switch up the formula. He should release joints he produced rather than joints he rapped/sang on...maybe he'll get better reception for the series, cause right now blogs that ain't this one are seeing Timbo Thursdays as a Kanye West trend rip-off gone wrong and are only posting the tracks cause of Tim's name and not quality.
Mini-essay - DONE

Jim said...

I agree that Timbaland needs some stellar guest appearances to really get people excited for Timbaland Thursdays. I'm a Timbaland fan, but I'm more of a fan of his production than him being the main artist featured on the production. Scheduling is probably an issue as far as getting major artists on board, but imagine a Timbaland Thursday joint that featured Jay Z or Justin Timberlake or something unexpected like a Lupe Fiasco, J. Cole, Eminem feature. So far, I've really liked "Round Da Way Tim" and "808", but nothing has really been eventful.

Kaka92 said...

i totaly agree whit Jimmy

thepestilence said...

so this is the best timbothursdays joint so far...
miss keri effing killed that bridge...
i agree timbo needs to release some joints with big names...
hopefully that song danja mentioned with JT...
u guys are mad about timbo rapping,but most of us are listening for the beats and the crazy sounds hes got...who cares if he wants to rap...just give us good songs...

Anonymous said...

I apreciate getting songs we'd otherwise not hear. with that said -- Timbaland isn't promoting good music. He's promoting HIMSELF. In my opinion he was never a stellar artist in all his years and that's why I'm finding TimboThursdays underwhelming.

At least I got "time to get paid" from Swizz this week. Even if DMX flow/delivery/lyrics have fallen deeper than Precious ass crack that Biggie sample is sick.

Haze said...

i really am not impressed with most of these timbo thurdays... not up to single material like Kanye's.... wish timbo left vocals to others...

Kody said...

I totally agree with some of you guys about the songs being uneventful. We all know full well looking back over his whole body of work what he is capable of as far as his beats so he is definitely holding back with that.

Timbaland has never been a rapper, ever lol, so even though he raps a lot now I still see him as a producer/writer/genius, but the man is still not a rapper! For me it has always been about the beats and how he can bring out the best in an artist and show another dimension to them on his tracks. I'm sure he has a huge collection of amazing beats that we would kill to hear, but maybe we will hear some of them some day lol.

This new song with Keri is okay, not great but I like it. I really wish there was some polls or something where each fan could judge the songs he releases to get our opinions on them...

da CHEF said...

there are things missing from every song besides all the obvious like some are old songs that were never released but stolen then leaked to the internet...what this generation loves to do alot...steal or get FREE swag

they are not FULL tracks most of them are under 3 1/2 minutes some are even less so really we are getting extended snippets in my opinion...

whats annoying is people using the word "uneventful" over & over in the posts "online dictionary", is very useful for using other words to describe if none come to mind...or lack of words that you know

lastly to Kody, I dont know what planet you come from but Timbaland has been a rapper from the start..he raps in every song on every album whether it be a verse,break, or hook...every song that featured him that became a BIG hit he rapped on it...dude seriously do people think and read before they post

for all those mediocre posts...if you only know timbaland from Shock Value 1 then you dont know timbaland at dont claim to know him and how great he is coz u still gotta do your homework on what a MUSICAL GENUIS. he has 4 albums himself 3 with magoo before Shock Value came out not to mention the many albums he either produced or done single or multiple tracks Timbaland Discography Blog" then you can do some Timbaland history

Lastly I like the tracks so far put out...if you put them all on a playlist they seem like an ol skoo Timbo just glad there isnt any of that POP/TECHNO/HIP HOP shizz you all like from him...HAHAHA..well so far

miguel said...

I love the tracks he has released especially ''Round the way Tim'',''808'' the stuff from the vault''swat dat fly'',''Don't blow my high'' classic tim i agree i want to hear full songs, unreleased tracks that didn't make it even though they were probably hits, and like someone said more superstar guests i like the urban sound he is going with I think timbo thursdays will get better he is excited i think this was something he would have done along time ago

Jim said...

Don't get it twisted, I love the fact that Tim is giving away free music. It's just that an artist with Tim's unreleased catalog and songs that people have never heard before, but have read about would be getting released.

I understand him holding back on some of the more high caliber songs until he reaches a certain amount of followers.

Kody said...

Ok to Da Chef I didn't post on here to argue with anyone, just to say my opinion. I've been a Timbaland fan since I saw his name in the credits on Aaliyah's album in 1996. I've bought all his albums and a ton of other albums and soundtracks sometimes for just one song that he produced so I know his entire body of work since then plus the work he did with Jodeci and Sista, so of course I know he has been rapping, but I meant that he wasn't a good one and that was not his claim to fame alone. I mean come on could he have made it as a rapper without his beats? He is a producer first and he raps for the fun of it.

To me his best album was Tim's Bio which was more like a compilation featuring other artists and a few beats co-produced by Missy.

Anonymous said...

Song also reminds me of Nelly Furtado's track.

Agree w/ Venture: Meh... but Keri's vocals are reeeally on point.