Saturday, 1 May 2010

Buzzing Down: Important Discussion

Welcome to Buzzing Down... this is where we all sit back, and have serious discussions of Timbaland and his affiliates, rather it be his(their) music, current status, etc... all consolidated into weekly roundups every Friday nights.

The topic at hand...

Has Timbaland met his end?

*the ttb crew has their own opinions on the topic,

29 Comment(s):

LaurenM said...

Well he certainly isn't what he used to be. but then again SV2 isn't exactly flopping as hard as people say. But he had the most random guests on SV2. And he didn't pick a strong track w/keri for the album, too. I preferred Rumors. But hey what can you do. :/

He's still one of the top producers out there. But he needs to step up his game a little. There are others out there taking his spot. Darkchild, for instance. I'd hate to see Timbo lose :(

And as much as i love James Fauntleroy, his voice isn't strong enough to be a solo artist. I'm afraid he's going to stay in the background as a songwriter/demo singer. He definitely needs some vocal lessons for the time being. I hope he shines one day. he deserves it.

Now onto Keri: i love her more than any artist out there, no matter what the haters say. And i get more and more excited about her 2nd album. I just hope she doesn't use Timbo too much on the new album. and if she does, put out some amazing stuff. no more flops like Return the Favor :( IMO, she should put "I Like" on the new album. it's still smashing the charts in Europe today :) people say I Like wouldn't do well in the US but you don't know that! it might do just as good. But then again, american taste in music is much different.

anyway, it's not end for Timbaland. as long as he doesn't lose his way. and for his weight? who cares!!!!! he looks fine.

Venture said...

Really want to hear you all's opinion on this. Will be interesting...

Venture said...

Thanks for your view on this BD mrskarkaroff.

Scripted said...

The answer is no.I think the problem is that TImbaland doesnt get the respect that he deserves. I mean This guy (along with danja) changed the WHOLE landscape of POP. i mean with all those crazy synths and shit on Justin and Nelly albums back to back he had people lining up at his studio wanting to get that sound. all of a sudden timbaland was hot. number one hit afta hit. then here comes the biters. They start doing the exact samething as TIm. RedOne, Polow, Dr Luke and a whole bunch of others producers getin hit afta hit and they dont give credit wheres it due. This forces TIm to the back of line like "Ya'll forgot bout me?"

Now when ppl hear a timbaland record they go ehhh i herd that shit before. this is the burden of a innovator. some ppl wait in the shadwos until someone comes up with the great idea then leap out and take it and run with it cause its hot forcing the creator of it to GET OUT of STYLE FIRST.

But dont count tim out yet. its on him again to change the landscape os music. This is true test. He has the perfect oppurtunity with Rihanna. Everybody eyes is on her next LP. if he gives her a new sound and shes runs with it. its a wrap. Its not over for tim. Think of it as a new beginning.

Scripted said...

everybody always talks bout Dr DRe and the fuckin Neptunes and praises em. but they always forget about Tim Mosley. its fuckin confuses the shit outta me. I mean he made GET UR FREAK ON for crying out loud. FUCK!

Harry said...

Echhh... I get inspired by Tim, he's productions WAS a puuureee Magic. He need to back, to these times, when he DO THIS ALL FOR THE MUSIC, NOT FOR MONEY AND FAME, JUST FOR MUSIC! SV2?! Miley Cyrus?! Katy Perry?! WTF ??!! Beat of MAD...? Carry Out...? Say Something...? TIM! WHERE'S THE MAGIC?! You're LIKE A CO-PRODUCER ON YOUR OWN ALBUM! THESE ALL ARTISTS ON SV2 WAS DOIN' WHAT THEY WANT... WHY? You should help'em change the game, and they shouldn't change you. There's noo moore maagic on Timothy Mosley music. Bjork - Innocence or Earth Intruders... DUDE... THAT WAS INCREDIBLE! Tim, you need do it how you feel it! Don't look for these people who's like HARD KICKS, HARD SNARES, DISCO RYTHMS, AND WHO'S DON'T KNOW ANYTHING 'BOUT THIS WHAT IS MUSIC, for us... musicians this is life, for other just another song... Take care Tim. I would like to hear another collabo with Chris Cornell, that was BRILLIANT! Chris album is your the best production!

Venture said...

Thanks for your perspective on this.

Lez Carmen said...

Could not have said it better myself. Amen to that!

Lez Carmen said...

Hey I was thinking, it would be awesome If we did a In Honor of Timbaland CD with beats made by us, Influenced by the man himself. Just pick the best 15 or so, then we could post it here. Not a competition but a tribute. What do you guys think?

thepestilence said...

timbo changed the music world with ginuwine...
timbo flipped it upside down with aaliyah...
timbo crucified the industry with missy elliott...
timbo created a new sound(again) with bubba sparxxx...
timbo flipped it right side up with brandy...
timbo grabbed the industry by the balls,ripped em off,and fed it to them with justin,nelly and himself(SV1)...within 1 year.
if u think the bible is holy,then listen to Scream...pure,uncut genius,so good it could kill u...
he is the father,the spirit and the holy mother effin ghost...
all of this and he only got 2 grammys...
so what if he has a bad day,or even a 100,he is entitled to it.
timbo is the king and anyone who says otherwise is an ungrateful son of a biscuit...
i dont know y this topic is even up for discussion...
am not even gonna discuss danja or polow,its disrespectful to try to compare them to timbo
and i like lez carmen's idea...

thepestilence said...
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thepestilence said...

i noticed that i forgot to mention jay z
i dont like him but music is music and producing is timbo
hail to the motha fishing king

Anonymous said...

Timbaland isn't "over" but he has peaked both critically and commercially.

What he needs to do is stop being such a whore for the spotlight and stop trying to produced entire albums for everyone. "His" sound is not dynamic enough to carry whole albums over and over again without becoming stale.

There is only so many times you can use the same droning chord progressions and song structure. It's just old.

SV2 was just... BAD. The star of the album was the cd-case that listed all the top selling pop artists featured. Not the songs. All of which get old faster than Timbaland can run out of energy during his live performances.

He's not over yet but I do notice more and more people labeling him a sellout and at this point I kinda agree.

Julian Stonem said...

This is A question that has long littered my head... and I'm sure the same applies for A lot of you.

Assuming we refer to Tim's old work, I am more than confident in saying that he is one of the best producers of all time. Admittedly, of recent, I was hopeful he would fill the void for the absence of "Music". So far... Empty.

He has the sonic ability to make music out of nothing. Matter of fact, 3 years ago if Tim was on a track made of pure silence - It'd most likely be certified platinum.

Producers then 'in single file' escaped artists' and musicians alike. 10 Years ago, Mainstream would not have given music producers a second look, let alone appraisal. It was the music industry's inside game of 'first in best dressed'. That is until Tim unleashed what some of you might describe as a defining moment in music.
When someone says:- Produced by *insert name here*
It is because of Tim.
No one would have lost any sleep unless your song had been tagged "Produced by Timbaland"

The industry is forever flowing with talent (Sorry, I use that term very loosely in regards to talent) and i think Tim has fallen victim to the masses. Admit it, music is dying a little... everywhere.

Not to say Tim is supposed to be the saviour of music, But he is somewhat responsible (or partly responsible) for it's return.

I don't believe he has put all of his cards on the table. I refuse to lose hope that one day he will prove us wrong and go all out with a bang (But still be here, if that makes any sense at all)

It's a waiting game that we have to play. A dry spell we have to endure. Surely enough, there is only two possible conclusions... good or bad. I'm leaning towards good

After all, Imagine what music would sound like if Aaliyah were still alive...
Realistically, Imagine if Tim and Missy were still attached to the hip...

This is making me one sour man... kid

I have a few entries if Lez Carmen is up for a listen

Bilza said...
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Bilza said...

LMAO @moon1283 comment. "ungrateful son of a biscuit" haha!

SV2 wasn't bad but for Tim it wasn't great. I could see why people may label him a sellout. Problem with SV2 was Tim went too safe on that one. I still love the MAD beat, Symphony, Can You Feel It (being my favorite) but hated a few others - sounded like the old pop not the new pop sound we come to expect when we heard Loose and FS/LS. People have to remember there is a limit at what Timbaland can do. We hear he likes to improvise alot with his voice, play a few chords and lay out the drums which is his major strength and somewhat unrivaled in that department, so perhaps Danja not having input on the album might have been a disadvantage. Let's be honest FS/LS and Loose, Danja had alot to do with it but if u got ur cd, the credits show they're kindly spread out between these 2 super producers. You can't simply just fall off after the masterpieces he done previously. Perhaps this time Tim was misguided commercially and forgot his real fans or maybe this album was rushed and not properly thought about.

I hope in upcoming projects for Tim's sake he proves his critics wrong. We dont need to go overboard. Some of what I read are knee-jerk reactions or rather exaggerations. Timbo the King but he needs to work with Danja again or on his own like before 2004. You can't really blame J-Roc (done some fine work in the past)..afterall it's Tim's decision to have him on board. The Tim/Danja production team is too amazing, the chemistry they had, the possibilities are unimaginable to simply be wasted as years pass by.

K Jones said...
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K Jones said...
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Venture said...

My God... all these deleted posts... and long posts!

Kody said...

I think Timbo may have lost his way a little bit but you can't take away all the hotness he gave us since 96. He and Missy made freakin magic in the studio! Nobody could touch the Wonder Twins baby. The music they made was so space-age, so futuristic, different, creative and so refreshing. Hip hop, pop and R&B was really good in the 90's but they took it to a new level.

Before the Aaliyah and Ginuwine albums in 96 and Tim and Missy's first albums in 97, I had never been so inspired before. Their beats were so interesting and fun to listen to. I still can't get enough of their older work. I mean they were not scared to try anything at all. They used horses on tracks, dogs barking and birds chirping and made it hot.

I think what's going on with Tim now is he always said he wanted to produce whole albums and was tired of doing 1 track on an album. Well he got the chance with Nelly and Justin and did a great job with Danjahands even though I don't like his solo work. Tim always wanted to be a big CEO too instead of just collecting a producer's fee and maybe a few royalties. I could see since a few years ago that he loves money and is big on making lots of it.

I think he was willing to tone his style down a whole lot just to get better album sales. When he made that futuristic stuff with Missy her albums did well but the other songs he produced just did not fit in with other producers who were light years behind him and Missy. Missy herself said they have to hold back a lot on their beats because people just are not ready for it. I love that futuristic stuff but when they toned the music down, they sold more albums.

And that's where they both are now. They have an expensive lifestyle to maintain and they believe that making regular, bland and boring music is the way to go. I hope they see now that it's not working. They both experimented with that vanilla boring sound and they had very disappointing results.

I think for Missy's next album she should only produce it with Tim and they should just use older beats that they already made together lol. It seems when they produced together it was even better than Tim's solo beats! Just listen to Missy's "Get Contact or Kelly" Price's "Talking On The Phone", some of the craziest beats ever! I know I made this about Missy too, but the 2 of them changed the game together and it wouldn't have been the same without the both of them.

Anonymous said...

making this as simple as possible.. When Tim first got in the game he was an instant successor. His music was so different from what anyone had ever heard at that time. Tim hears things completely different from everyone else and that's why he's so hard to figure out. People didn't really get what he was doing at first but eventually everyone got it. He dominated the late 90s and the first couple of years of the new century, r&b and hip hop producers were biting his style hard, but then.. Timbo was pretty much gone.. he was on a few mainstream hits here and there, but overall Tim was forgotten.. during this time Timbaland did what he does best, and thats take some time to think, and analyze music, and to figure out how he is going to make his next impact.. then comes 2006, the beginning of Tim's new world order. There's no need in going into how much he changed the game with Justin, Nelly ect. we all know. Everyone wanted that No. 1 hit and I think that that has affected Tim somewhat and i think that the pressure from everyone in the industry wanting him to make them number one has exhausted him; its stifled his creative ability somewhat I think. But right now we're starting to see that down time again where Timbaland really digs deep to find what the people want to hear, we've seen it before and we'll see it again. Tim will be back for sure and it'll be crazy, nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I think people hoping for Timbaland to listen to "fans" should just give up. The one time he asked the fans to guide his direction he ignored them and chose "Scream" as his single even though "One and only" had more than half the votes between six songs.

Hell, he still thinks Shock Value 2 is the hottest album out right now and has even said the only reason people aren't buying it like he wants them to is because they are broke. Riiight.

Timbaland's gonna do what he wants to or what he's allowed to. Nothin wrong with that. I just won't buy it if I don't like. :)

Venture said...

Ha ha, b. :D


Bilza said...

@ b where u hear Tim say that? Link plz, thanks.

thepestilence said...

to be honest i prefer timbo's not so great album to the other shit that's around...just listen to the black eyed kind of shit is that?
or lady/guy friggin gaga...
eventhough SV2 wasnt all that.its still better than 95% of the crap thats out there...(this percentage is not an accurate estimation,its probably more towards 99.99%)

and "B",are u even a fan?
i feel like i wanna stab u...(just kidding,people use guns nowadays)

timbo is still da mother effing king

Anonymous said...

@Bilza I'll look for the youtube link later.

@moon1283 Yes. I like a good chunk of Timbaland and co's work. Mostly from 1998-2002. 2004-2006 was cool too.

Unfortunately, I don't grade music on a curve dictated by whats out at a specific time. If I did then yes I'd consider SV2 one of the better albums out. But at the same time I was still sick of the whole album within hours and completely forgot about it days later.

I can't possibly call a album I was sick of within hours "good" when there are albums I haven't gotten sick of after a decade or so. But yeah, that's my reasoning on that.

Anonymous said...


thepestilence said...

"B",i get what ur saying,but eventhough timbo is half god,he is still half human as well.
we cant expect him to make albums like FS/LS,loose,SV1 & Scream,which are all the most original pieces of music i have ever heard,and still criticize him when he goes a bit sour...
personally i think he needs a vacation for 3 years...but then the music world might just collapse.

i might quit listening to music if timbo or JT stop...
we still got about 3 albums from timbo this year,from soshy to brandy or his re-release,which i think is gonna be a whole new album.
so lets keep the faith.

Black Arrow said...

just for your info, there are no plans at all of a rerelease anymore.
That "Talk That" single was just made to earn some money. Has nothing to do with a SV2 rerelease, Billy Blue buzz single or what not.