Friday, 16 April 2010

Hit Producer "Bangladesh" Says He Is Better Than Timbaland, Neptunes, and The Rest...

Wow... I mean he does make a couple of great points in this article... but can you say... #reckless?

"Honestly, I'm better than all them peoples. I'm not disrespecting them because I was influenced by Timbaland and Neptunes and all of them, but your time came and went. There’s time for other things to happen."

Wow. He even through shade at Polow.

"A lot of them producers, some have a sound and some don’t. I think Polow kinda does whatever, he doesn’t have a certain sound, he emulates other peoples stuff. To me, he’s probably a well-sought-out producer, but at the same time its about who you’re with, who you’re around, who’s getting you the work,"

Read the full article @ Vibe here.

Me personally? When I become ... successful I don't to be known with a "distinct" sound so to speak where every time someone hears a track, they say "oh, Venture did that"... I don't want that. V is for versatility. I want people to not even know who produced it, and be dumbfounded that I did it. When you have a "distinct" sound... you can get very stale... and very old... very quick. Be original, creative, and be versatile.

He makes a lot of great points, but its hard pinpointing them because of the ego and shade in the midst.


10 Comment(s):

LG said...

Isn't he the one who produce Lil Wayne's "A Milli", Beyoncé's "Diva" and Chrishan's "I'm Makin' Money" with the same snare loop ? He does know how to make good music but he's no better than Timbo or The Neptunes !

By Timbaland I really mean Timbaland, not Timbaland and J Roc. Chris Cornell's album "Scream" is their best work, but Timbaland produce better alone and with Danja :s

(I'm french so excuse my English ^^')

Haze said...

lmaoooo man big headed or what....

Venture said...

Hello French friend! Cheers to the French!

But yep I agree with you. He has the hit algorithm that works.

But besides the late mediocre work of Timbaland and J-Roc... Timbaland solo, and Timbaland & Danja... Bangladesh... #shityoassdown.

thepestilence said...

is this dude for real?????
i bet timbo can make a better sound tapping his sneakers to the ground than this punk will ever timbo said"there are alot of one hit-makers out there,but there's only one timbo"or somethin like that...
this dude just seeks the publicity,and i think it will be much more faster for him to do that making a porno with some singer out there...
sorry if i offended anyone,but even though timbo is a bit shaken up these days,he still got more hits than this dude will ever dream off...

Bassick said...
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Bassick said...

Ahh hell naw. Timbaland needs to Scott Storch this nigga!

In all seriousness, when I extract the arrogance from his opinion, I can see where he's coming from. But that's as far as it goes for me. On the whole, he's completely mistaken about his superiority, especially over Timbaland and The Neptunes - I don't even think HE expects anyone to buy that crap.

I'm actually a bit torn on the Polow front though. On the one hand, I do think versatility is an important factor for any upcoming producer hoping to succeed. On the other hand, you don't wanna be too versatile to the point that you throw people off the scent entirely. I also feel like Polow has outright ripped off Timbaland on quite a number of joints before. I too haven't been able to figure out his signature sound. If there has been a beat he has produced where my reaction had been "Oh, that's Polow?!" then that would've been more of a negative reaction because it sounded so much like a Timbaland beat (Brian Kidd has a habit of doing that to me as well lol)

That's the danger there. If people don't know who produced a track, they're only going to assume it was produced by someone they DO know. Or say it sounds similar to the work of a producer they've already heard before. A "distinct" sound skips all of that and people recognise your work without you even needing to say anything lol. Some producers have taken it to the extreme though. I got nothing but love for the The Neptunes, but I used to want to rip my ears off everytime I heard the same overused Clavi sound in virtually every track they made. If you're gonna have a unique style, then that's good. But don't spoonfeed it to me. Try to make it subtle, like Danja with his click sounds.

But back to Polow... yeah, I wouldn't exactly give him a 10/10 for originality, but he's still one of my favourite producers regardless. I cannot say the same for this dude.

Bangladesh, A Milli was and still is hot, but Get Ur Freak On was and always will be infinitely hotter. Peace.

Lez Carmen said...

This guy needs a slap. I thought Polow would be the first to say some crazy shight like that.
The Neptunes! Tim-Ba-Land! His not even better than one half of the Neptunes. Slow your role. XD
The guy makes a few hot tracks and he loses his mind. Everyone knows the whole versatility speech, blah blah, so nothing new there.
Has for the call outs, thats straight publicity. This guy is not doing "anything" that has not been done before. He is a follower not a leader, he also seems to think he can walk before he can crawl.
You need to have some serious Titan size talent to change the sound of radio like The Neptunes, Dre, or Timbaland who has done it more than once, something I don't see this guy doing. He's not even in the same league as them, or a tone of other producers out there. Me thinks he needs to change his name from Bangladesh to DELUSIONAL.

In a sea of creators, there are only a few innovators.

Anonymous said...

I like Shondrae overall. Definitely more than I do the Post-Danja Timbaland & Co

In the end -- music is subjective so him saying he's better than all of them is just a opinion. A opinion which can't be proven right or wrong so no need to knock him.

Stephan said...


Alex said...

He's a producer I wish would always just keep his mouth shut, because he IS so arrogant (reminiscent of Timbo in that respect). However, I think he's brilliant. His shit is SLAMMIN'. Almost always outside the box.