Saturday, 1 May 2010

Let's welcome...Tina

Before I tell you what this is about, I'm gonna show you a few tweets by her:

"On call for work at 2AM to meet up with Timbaland and Jim Beanz-Music industry 101=the bigger the producer, the later the start-time-LOL!" - @TinaSugandh

"In studio with Timbaland..he's improvising tons of vocals to a tabla beat I just recorded. It's 5am and it's bananas in this studio!!" - @TinaSugandh

"2.30 AM..Just getting to work..Timbaland said its like a club in here-but without all the people. LOL. He's playing some craiiiizee beats..." - @TinaSugandh

"Just got back from crazy pool party at the W in LA... Diddy, Timbaland, etc! LOVE that whole crew...good times..." - @TinaSugandh

So, she has been a lot in the studio with Timbaland and Jim Beanz lately. And what do you think does that mean?
Yep, Tina is the newest signee to Timbaland Productions!!

So, let's all welcome her to the world of Timbaland (!!!

7 Comment(s):

OSO-Deluxe-Edition said...

he should sign Siobhan Magnus of American Idol.... I <3 HER!!!
he have to give her tracks like he did with Nelly Furtado!
a mix of Pop/ballad with a touch of acoustic guitars...
she is gonne be me!

edwin_639 said...

the new amar!!!???

Venture said...

Edwin... you kind of took the words out my mouth. I want to hear how she sounds... she looks kinda good though...

Haze said...

Have no real comment cuz I haven't heard her. Promising that Timbo is signing other artists... Although some are awful... U know who I'm talking about... Lol.

Haze said...

Still can't believe DOE wasn't signed, he is soooooo dope.

Unknown said...

Tina Sugandh is an Indian born American writer, singer, tabla player, dancer, guitarist, and actress.

Aayize said...

whats timbaland productions? lol