Saturday, 29 May 2010

"Marchin On" in Germany official song for.....

...the picture you see above.

"Marchin' On" is now the official FIFA World Cup 2010 song for the German television program ZDF!!
The track will be played at the end of every day while showing the pictures & scenes of the day...and probably more...

Congrats Timbo & OneRepublic!!

10 Comment(s):

MAESTRO said...

nicht schlecht, :D

Black Arrow said...

@MAESTRO: hehe yep, wurde heute nachm Ungarn vs. Deutschland (0:3) Spiel vorgestellt. War übelst überrascht, als ichs gesehn hab! :)

translation: hehe yep, the song was introduced after the Hungary vs. Germany (0:3) game today. I was really surprised when I saw this! :)

Anonymous said...

question: will it be OneRepublic version or Timbo version?

Jberg said...

Hach, wie ich es liebe wenn auf irgendeiner seite auf einmal deutsch gesprochen wird!

Hab ebenfalls das spiel gesehen und war mehr als überrascht.

Haze said...

erm which version? the onerepublic version or timbo version?

Black Arrow said...

Obviously the SV2 version. I wouldn't give congrats to Tim, if it wasn't his version :)

Haze said...

well they are signed to his label.. lol

MAESTRO said...

Ich hoffe das es version von Timbo wird.

Translation: I hope it will be the version of Timbo

Black Arrow said...

yes, it IS Tim's version. They previewed it with a small video yesterday.

Feulner23 said...

auf jeden fall richitg geil für timbo