Monday, 21 June 2010

Timbaland Presents - Shock Value II: The Singles

Are you as surprised as I am seeing this?
'Timbaland Presents - Shock Value II: The Singles'; what exactly is it?
Well, it's kind of a rerelease that'll be released in Europe: All the 7 singles on one disc + 1 bonus track! But what's this extra song that we haven't heard yet?
You remember how we told you once that Timbo worked with The All-American Rejects on a track for SVII? And exactly this is the bonus track on 'Shock Value II: The Singles'!!
It features the All-American Rejects lead singer Tyson Ritter!
Now check it out below:

Timbaland feat. Tyson Ritter (of The All-American Rejects) - "I'm In Love With You":
(prod. by Timbaland & Jroc / written by Jim Beanz & D.O.E.)

So, what are your thoughts on this fast-paced pop/rock record?
Should it make the cut to the original SVII?

25 Comment(s):

stargate said...

Why isn't it on SHOCK VALUE 2?? Way better than a track like 'Ease Off The Liquor'!!

Arrrrrggghhh, why just release in Europe??

stargate said...
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Big-A said...

told ya there's a re-release. in whatever form. D.O.E. co-wrote this song by the way.

thepestilence said...

ok am bobbin my head to this...
its actually good,but i dont think it should've been on SV2...
it sounds different than most...all of the stuff on the album...
to be honest it doesnt even sound like timbo produced it...
reminds me of Scream album...
"am in love" with it.
maybe timbo should stick with rock...he is really good at it

Bilza said...

I think this track deserves better than SV2 in all honesty. Up to now, from Tim and Jroc's work it's up there with "Street Walker" and what you got on Scream. Catchy rocking tune!

French Guy said...

damn ! wich sources ? already leak !! ?? I understand NOTHING !!

French Guy said...


French Guy said...

all the 7 single ?? timothy, marchin on and We belong to the music are not a single !

Ed said...

My favourite from SVII...
reaallyyyy dope!!

Venture said...

The hook sounds good. Tyson is my dude... he is uber cool.

I do not like the drums... this should of been live drums. Tim does know that you can produce a rock track without physically adding, or subtracting anything from the record, right?

This is one of those tracks, that if it was AAR's track solely... it would of been a hot summer record.

I like it though.

Haze said...

i like it, just boring to me after a few plays. Nice vocals from that tyson dude, but maybe needed like a beat switch or something that stops it being so repetitive.

SS Timbaland & Danja SS said...


Don £ Blaze said...

Predictable but the chorus always gets me! I guess I'm a sucker for well structured guitar choruses. Props to team Timbo for this one!

Frederick said...

Reminds me of Tim's sessions with the Pussycat Dolls. Go listen to "In Person" by PCD.

Black Arrow said...

Song is nice. A nice catchy tune for the summer!
Timbo & Jroc are really a good team when it comes to producing rock records...

@FrechGuy: Well, "Marchin On" is a single in Germany. the others were promo single without video and nothing...

Renegade Tom said...

this is BRILLIANT!!! i hope he makes a music video out of it!!

Feulner23 said...

crazy beat!!!...I'm happy to hear another song from timbo..

Kaka92 said...

way better than anything on shv 2 ths songs is quit good i like it to bad they rejeced

Frederick said...

I can't believe you guys... this isn't a rock track as much as it is a re-versioning of PCD's "In Person". That song was damn near perfect, though, so it's no wonder why you all like this one.

Unknown said...

kurva re release!

Venture said...

Very true Frederick... this is not a rock track. This is a Pop track. I could hear Miley Cyrus on this instead.

I dare you to disagree. :D

Maylay said...

The track is not that great..srry

MAESTRO said...

@ Frederick true , that was my first mind too, sounds a bit like In person but In Love with you sound 1000 times better. I Love It

Kenny said...

This track is not good at all, the generic melody formation and typical chorus approach is just awful, over all, this is a good song for mainstream.

Even that guitar is not even real, that's a VST guitar...

What this song lacks is a bassline, something very important in a rock track, this is pop though.

I did not like this song that much.

Good chorus though!


epic said...

yeah this was crap