Friday, 18 June 2010

Timbo at Lakers vs. Celtics game

Check out Timbo sitting besides Polow at the L.A. Lakers vs. Boston Celtics game (and makin a weird face lol):

no idea how it ended because I'm watching football aka soccer right now.....

10 Comment(s):

Kaka92 said...

hhahahhahahhahahha americans you couldnt beat slovenia in soccer it ended 2-2 (damm we were so close beating you ) hahahhahaha you should go back to playing baksetball and fotball thoes sports are your primary sports----

oh and timbo :D

Kaka92 said...
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thepestilence said...

polow is huge compared to timbo...
but what i dont understand is y timbo keeps hanging with him when he knows that he's stealing his sound...
btw i love polow...i just think he needs to be more original

SS Timbaland & Danja SS said...

Polow is lookin rather brolic these days!!! He needs to start doing some more aerobic endurance training because he's starting to get a little fat as well. Timbo doesn't even look the slightest bit interested in whats going on in the game at all unlike everybody else surrounding him

Lez Carmen said...

@SS Timbaland & Danja SS
I think you mean cardio training.

Someone needs to tell Polow to sit his ass down lol. Tim looks troubled.

Bassick said...

"but what i dont understand is y timbo keeps hanging with him when he knows that he's stealing his sound..."

Maybe that's why Tim looks so pissed LOL

Unknown said...

fuck basketball, football is the best sport in the world

Ed said...

I can spot Meredith Grey?? LOL

epic said...

@Lez Carmen

They're the same thing

Stephan said...

lol maaaaan polow is fat!!need to lose some weight