Friday, 4 June 2010

TTB Mixtapes Rebuzzed....

Greetings buzzers,

We are officially rebooting... rebuzzing the official The Timbaland Buzz Mixtapes. Start now, since we will announce a start, and deadline date soon. This is a head start. We have some great things in store for those who submit in the future. We can't speak on them now, but they are pretty awesome.

Well... what are you waiting for artist, writers, producers? Get your talent buzzing!

4 Comment(s):

thepestilence said...

so what exactly is this mix tape thing,if u dont mind me asking?

Black Arrow said...

We'll make a mixtape each month like we did before.
People can submit beats, songs or remixes. The Buzz team reviews these songs and decides which of them makes the cut to the tape.
More info coming up when we have a theme, submission deadline and whatnot.

thepestilence said...

thanx for the explanation...i used to think it was just a mixtape with old timbo songs and remixes...didnt realize that this the work of some of the fans...
good sh*t

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

This is dope.
Looking forward to this.