Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Timbo doesn't have balls??

Well, that is what David Guetta said on an interview answering to the question why a lot of Pop & Hip Hop artist are working with electronic producers these days...

Here is the part of the interview where David Guetta talks about it:

A lot of pop and hip-hop artists are working with electronic producers these days. Why do you think there’s so much crossover right now?
"I don’t want to sound conceited, but I think it’s very much because we did it with the Black Eyed Peas, and I did it with Akon and with Kelly Rowland—we’re talking about some of the biggest selling records ever. American people are very simple, they go for what’s number one, and they want to do the same thing. I’m not saying I’m the only one, because for example, there was that Crookers remix of Kid that was really influential, but that record wasn’t successful in America, it was successful in Europe. It did influence me, for sure.

There were some little signs. Like what Timbaland was doing, and Rihanna, but they were being shy, they didn’t have the balls to go 100%. What I respect in Will.I.Am for calling me, he was like, “We’re not going to try to emulate that sound, we’re just going to do it”. He loved ‘Love Is Gone’, and he asked for something that sounds a little bit like that. He’s a producer, so he could have done something similar, but it wouldn’t have been the same. Now this record is the biggest download seller ever, in history. So of course a lot of other hip-hop and pop artists are like, ok, there’s something happening right now. And also, in a way, it’s because of Lady Gaga. We don’t see Lady Gaga as dance music, but in America they do.

When I made ‘Sexy Bitch’ with Akon, it was interesting, because even though he loved the record, he and all his people were like, “This is great, David, we need to work together some more—but when we do Akon’s album, we need a different beat, because this kind of drums will never work on American radio.” And ‘Sexy Bitch’ is one of the biggest hits in America in a very long time!

This year, basically the biggest records were Lady Gaga, ‘I Gotta Feeling’, and ‘Sexy Bitch’. These are the three phenomena of the year. They gave me the cover of Billboard for, like, changing the face of American top 40, you know? I think that’s basically it. Everybody’s like, “Wow, there’s a new sound that’s exciting, and that sells records!” Every artist wants a new sound. I think that probably this urban music was going in circles a little bit, and then all of a sudden, we found a way to keep it urban—because I think ‘Sexy Bitch’ is a house music record, but it’s still urban music. So if you find a way that they don’t feel that they’re selling their soul, that it’s still their music, but at the same time, it has the energy of dance music, it’s great."
Read the full interview here: Beatport.com

What do u think of his statements? Do u agree or not?
Is this "David Guetta" sound just a movement that is gonna end soon or the "future of music" as some would call it?

22 Comment(s):

Nerdwithflow said...

i agree dat hip hop was startn to drop but to say dat timbo didnt hav da balls to make it better is ridiculous. hes just actn lyk him n every uk artist r better than american artists n producers. he only got fame cuz of sexy bitch but he pretty much died fast. yes hip hop n pop r bein reinventd a lil bit but he doesnt hav to take all da credit for dis "movement." timbo n his gang will sooooooo bring it but in da meantime, its goin throu its own lil recession...

Haze said...

Omg the title is eye catching... Lol.
Yeah Guetta loves himself, I kinda agree with him tbh tho, then again he is French ;D

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

I can't believe this formulaic piece of shit producer is even talking...he's stuff is so run of the meal. If you wanna talk about Electronic producer who have balls, Daft Punk, Cassius and Justice come to mind. If you wanna talk about daring listen to Sebastien Tellier's album, Sexuality (Produced by Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo of Daft Punk) or Phoenix's album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (Produced by Philippe Zdar of Cassius). I dunno what sherm this dude's on...

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

*run of the mill
I meant. lol...other great electro/alternative producers would definitely be Flying Lotus & Dam-Funk.

Stephan said...

I think u just didnt get what David said Sir...

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

@ Dyna - I did, he's talking about how Timbo and co. dabbled in Electro but didn't approach the sound full on, whereas he supposedly did...I still feel Guetta is generic as they come in the field of Electro/House and music in general. His style is middle of the road, and for music's sake I hope it doesn't remain the dominant sound because it's boring as fuck...no hate.

Amir said...

I Hope Tim Will B Dissing mr. Gayvid Guetta... I Hope Tim Will Diss him and Killem like he did to storch... Pleassee Tim Make Guetta Pay Wid Hiss Balls! Well C Who has Lack of Balls... Pssy!

Stephan said...

Well first sir you named Daft Punk or Cassius as producer who have balls? balls for what? actually even if im not a huge fan of David G. his work is more complex than Daft Punk and Cassius period. David deserve his success more than a lot of french DJ for what he've done in France and concept he had bring on the table...Now what he's saying is : americans wait the hype to go more into something. And that's true especially compared as the UK scene. Timbo is a genius...nobody could argue bout it. HOWEVER how many times it takes to americans to really accept to integrated other genres in their music...and actually it still mixed with HH/rnb or else. David is a Dance/House producer, not the best for sho, and he never pretend to be but he didnt try to sound "american" and trying to do electro pop like Timbo. David is dance...Period and these artists, due to his succes, accepts now to perform on these type of track...But it wasnt easy...where was america in the '90 when dance and these type of tracks where so popular in europe? That's what he meant by "don't have balls" cause yeah back to a few years ago if tried to put or mix electro sound in a HH or Rnb track answer were : take it off man u kidding me??

thepestilence said...

personally i think guetta just wanted a bit of attention,so he thought he might as well drop timbo's name on an interview...
and am i the only one who thought the black eyed peas album sucked...i didnt think it was creative at all...
and it only sold coz its the black eyed peas...i always loved their work but that last album was garbage...
this mofo just makes dance music...well timbo has been dropping some of the craziest dance music since ever,from jt,to nelly,to the extremely under appreciated chris cornell...and forget about SV1...
i think lady gaga and BEP ruined music for me this year
even timbo didnt help...
thank god for eminem

Lez Carmen said...

The guy’s French, he loves himself lol
When ‘some’ people get the spotlight they let it go to their heads, he's not doing anything radically diffrent. People are just getting sick and tired of generic Hip-Hop-Pop-R&B acts and their watered down generic sound. Even Tim’s watered down his sound to the point of it not existing in some cases. Guetta is just an escape for now. What he needs to remember people are very fickle, so he'll be hot until the next guy's hot.

Guetta is alright, but arrogant.

Feulner23 said...

I agree with david....
I tink Timbo need the balls now to create a new sound to get at the top of the charts....

Stephan said...

Lez...Nothing arroguant in what David said...it's actually nothing but the truth. He never said he is the best producer, he never said he's doing something new...because : HE KNOW THAT AINT TRUE!
What he's doing already exist since long in europe and he's lucky cause now it's his time...but it's not easy for america to be "open minded" to other style of music.

And Lez, all french are not arroguant ;) I'm french ;) and dont think David is...He's actually very shy

Stephan said...

and yeah u right : so he'll be hot until the next guy's hot.

So true

Swan said...

smh @ the french stereotypes some of y'all guys have...

@ Dyna : Long time no see! are u still a part of dreambeatz?

Stephan said...

Hi Swan...do we know each other?
I'm good, yeah still a part of Dreambeatz and living in new york now. Working also for a 12 times platinum producer so things turns the right way at the moment!

Lez Carmen said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the Admin deleted my comment that stated i'm half French WTF is that about!

Stephan said...

lol Lez...so u half french? do u love urself? :) J/k nice to meet ya

Black Arrow said...

lol what? deleted ur comments? nah man, havent removed anything on this post.

Alex said...

"I Gotta Feeling" is one of the worst-sounding tracks I've ever heard. It's also an awful song...

N.L.O said...

you guys remember when Timbo performed n some Miami festival and the music was all Trance?? that was hot...

da CHEF said...

David Guetta...u measure your minuscule success with relying on billboard's charts...ha ha ha...i read this somewhere else but you couldnt comment...so being that now i get a chance i will....

did yall listen to Rihanna's Who's that chick & Chris Brown's Yeah X3...dude its basically the same song...i think you did that hoping for media attention to boost ur brand...dude we know French people are greedy we seen through you before you idiotic statement...dont get it twisted David and no disrespect to Will I Am coz hes great...but David ,Timbaland changed the beat game again in his style...The way I are is the song that influenced all you bitches who tried to copy his hip hop/techno/dance style...he got all kinds of styles as for you i hear the same ol shit...dont fool yourself people in america dont really like ur stuff...why becoz its only all the little immature kiddies with no real grasp of what good music is....remember Will I Am hired you...dont let it get to your head coz i gotta feelin is a good song but irritating to hear like ur gay Akon song...atleast timbo keeps it real with explicit lyrics....sexy fish is not something you wanna call a woman and that song is not urban...its straight up a gay club song...funny tho how you manage to twist the truth of whats in front of your eyes...you couldnt even go all the way with having Akon sing BITCH...im banning ur music coz ur the biggest techno producing byter out there...ur songs have been done before...and dont act like we americans dont know nothing about techno coz seriously we do and all you provided for yourself through this child level attempt to diss Timbaland is people angry at you...funny how French ppl have a knack for that throughout HISTORY for doin SO

Stephan said...

hmmm im not totally agree but you made some good points...
Also you said people in america don't really like David's music...well im not really sure, you can hear his songs in all clubs and won several prize for his work. The question is not : is it new or not? cause even if David didnt create anything, so is Timbo. You really want to know what inspired Timbo 15 years ago then listen what the U.K was doing 15 years ago. The question is not are you the first to do it but how you gonna do it. As I said before : David deserves his success in america even if it's gonna be for short time...but yeah he should'nt have compared his style to a producer as Timbo cause at the end of the day he gonna lose. Why? Timbo is a genius, Davis is not...and Timbo as so much more experience than him.