Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Timbo's & OneRepublic's "Marchin' On" used in German TV

Like I told you, the track "Marchin' On" by Timbaland & OneRepublic was used by the German television channel ZDF during the "Pictures Of The Day"....or in the case of the video below, the "Pictures Of The Worldcup".
Check it out:

(It's just one of many, but I thought I take the last one that wraps up the whole worldcup)

So, what was your favorite or best-playing national football team of the 2010 FIFA Worldcup South Africa?

1 Comment(s):

MAESTRO said...

ganz klar Spanien, haben den effektivsten Fussball gespielt. Hoffe das sie zur EM 2012 wieder einen Timbo song spielen.

clearly Spain,they have played the most effective football. Hope they will play a Timbo song again by The Uefa Euro 2012.