Finally, we get to hear the full version of "You Should Be Dead" by 50 Cent. Originally, it was made for his 2007 album 'Curtis', but, in contrast to "Ayo Technology", it didn't make the cut.
We already reported back in October '09, where we heard parts of the beat for the first time (MTV's The Diary Of Timbaland).
Alright, now sit back and listen to the full track:
props to Edwin for the find!
27 Comment(s):
That intro is hot as fuck
I hear some DRE influence here
this is the shit!!!daaaamn sick track...after in da club,the hottest 50 track
and yeah sounds like dre (scott storch) :D
HOTT! Timbo n Danja - get ur asses back in the same recording studio damn it! lol
y da fish did they not release this??????????
brilliant...especially the intro
definitely dre influence...
efffing beautiful
it's ok.i prefer "ayo technology":) @ Bliza,i've read marcella's tweets,where she said,that she misses those days,when danja,timbo,demo and her were in creating processes))))
@Oleg yeah I read that too on her Twitter. Easier said than done but what's stopping them? Busy schedule perhaps who knows. We all miss those days!
NOW THIS IS GOOD MUSIC! Fuck what else has been leaking lately, its wack. This is where it is at!
Come back TIM!
Danja I see you!
Of course this has Dre influence... :)
One of the HOTTEST track I've heard in a while from both camps!!!
Nearly playin this non-stop from the second I downloaded it!
and yes, definitely influenced by Dr. Dre.
This shit is too nice.
Actually eithers 50's entire last album. I miss when Tim made grimey music. Hopefully Hayes gets these kinds of tracks. This is fire to the 10th power!
Hmmm, not as taken with it at the moment, noted I haven't heard it through good speaker/headphones.. But hmmmmmm
Dre/Storch/westcoast influenced? hell yeah! Nice beat? hell yeah! Exceptional song? Hell nah! 50 needs to come harder...
Yeah 50 should of came harder, and the track should of had a better mix... but you know... if Dre had this mixed... I would be like "WOWWWW!!!!"... ha 50 and Game should be on this. :-P
Also, are we sure this wasn't made for 50's "The Massacre"? Hmm...
This was for "Curtis". Timbaland mentioned it specifically in that interview with that chick when he talked about the Curtis album.
There is some strong Scott Storch/Dre influence in this. It's not hard to imagine why this didn't make the album and "Ayo Tech" did. Tim/Danja were in major demand at the time. If you are gonna be paying a high ass premium you better get a hit out of it. This isn't a hit.
The mix needs work. Otherwise it's a cool track.
This track is super nice, but it doesn't zing me like Ayo Technology did when I first heard it. I remember my 16-year-old self reciting all the lyrics like it was nothing. My friends were like, yo, it's 50!
This song... meh.
Its ok.
well after a few listens with good headphones... its ok. not as good as i thought. kinda boring too... lol
Kinda boring , not like Timbo's unique beats at all ,,,
Sorry, this is garbage. And the only thing worse than this is seeing so many people here who think it's a good track.
It's called (Parishiltonitus) its when an individual thinks anything is hot, even when its only luke warm.
I read the comments before I listened to the track, and was real excited then, I listened to the track.
(Tumbleweed blows across empty studio)
I've hated a few Tim/Danja tracks along the way but this is still FIRE for me, I don't care what anyone of you say!
Just curious, can you tell me what is so fiery about this track???
(In Da Club) came out in 2003, and I can still can hear every beat, and every word in my head. That is what you call certified "FIRE", in fact its a big raging forest fire out of control!
This, I listened to a minute ago and it has already faded from my memory bank (SERIOUSLY).
For me It's Ok at best, leaning heavily towards mediocre and bleak.
I believe Cypher said it best, when he uttered the words
"Ignorance is bliss".
This sounds too much like "Come And Get Me" from Shock Value 1, which by the way was a better track. And even that was just ok.
These type of beats should be left to Dr. Dre.
@Lez I dont know how you define a track that is "FIRE". I left this track on repeat like I do for pretty much every Tim/Danja track I listen so I could give a final judgement. Frankly, I couldn't get enough of it for a whole day.
If I had the option, I would just listen to the instrumental coz that beat goes hard for me. I dont know what else they could have done with it? Perhaps 50 could have gone harder on it? Possibly but I'm not here to nitpick. I have minor issues with "Way I Are" like I do with much of SV but it doesn't make it any less "FIRE". The fact of the matter is this track sounds good to MY ears, certainly on loud HD speakers.
You mention "In Da Club". Funny, I haven't listened to it in a while and quite honestly, I can't say the beat is any better, not to say it's not FIRE but that's the way it goes. Different day, different mood, different taste. Just my opinion.
It is very forgettable. But it sounds good to me. Maybe not fire... but its good.
Rune summed it up for me with, "These type of beats should be left to Dr. Dre."
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