Friday, 28 May 2010

T.I.. - "Here We Go Again"

FINALLY, after SO many years, we are able to hear one of the tracks from the T.I./Timbaland session a few years back!!
The track is part of T.I.'s latest mixtape 'Fuck A Mixtape' hosted by DJ Drama & DJ MLK (download here).
But first, check out the track:

T.I. - "Here We Go Again" (prod. by Timbaland):
Thoughts on the track?

and by the way, I can also tell you that this is not the only T.I./Timbaland track that is out there. Timbo is also featured on another one!! ;)

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18 Comment(s):

Browser20 said...

This song goes HAAARD!!!
Wish they cld collaborate on an Album.
man, timbo still got skills....he's really right when he says he just wants to exploit new grounds...i guess when he returns to hip hop, he'll murder it!!!

Browser20 said...

This mixtape has 3 hot songs i.e #1 Here we go again (prod. by timbaland), #2 Ready set go (prod by NO I.D) and #3 Got your back (prod. by DJ Toomp)

Bilza said...

What does this beat remind you of? Six Two Ft. Attitude - Lets Git High. Cool track. T.I doing his thing as usual.

Haze said...

Finally! The full version has leaked! Nice.

Anonymous said...

Good Call Bliza!!!! Also what other T.I./Timbaland track is out there?

Anonymous said...

this is soooo sick n hard!
we don't need the "pop" timbaland
we need the man,who made things like this track,ugly,get your freak on,they ain't ready and and

Black Arrow said...

Man, The King of the South T.I. (my favorite rapper) and The King Timbaland (my fave producer) on one track. AWESOME!!! I've been waiting to hear the full since mid last year....FINALLY!!!

@SShearer: unfortunately, I don't know the name of the track other track. But I know that it's out there (meaning that hackers have it lol). Timbo is rapping on it too.

Venture said...

Thank God... this is hot.

Anonymous said...

Good times! :D

Kormanuth said...

This are both Kings on their best.... it deserves the Crown!

Anonymous said...

Nice. Hope it doesn't get old quick.

thepestilence said...

where da fish has timbo been hiding this stuff...goddamn...i feel dirty just listening to it...
this is fishing crazy...
am going mad now...
i need more of this stuff...
timbo da motha effin king...
pure uncut heroin genius...

Unknown said...

i bet he did this without danja. seriously, timbaland makes better beats on his own.

fuck danja and jroc.

Anonymous said...

lol. Timbaland without a co-producer or invisible hand... lol.

BlueStateWatchdog said...

b - are you new to Timbaland's career or sumthin? Tim established himself in the industry without a "co-producer or invisible hand". Your ignorance of or ignoring that just makes you look like a hater

Alex said...

lol @ the "fuck Danja" comment...this sounds like Tim/Danja collab to me, though I admit I don't know for sure. T.I. loves himself some Danja.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Ignorance means to not know. Fortunately I do know that there was almost always someone guiding Tim in some capacity --Even back in 97-98.

@Alex It definitely does sound like Danja was involved on this one. Can't confirm though.

miguel said...

seems just tim to me he did do a track with danja it was on mtv news