Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Drake "Thank Me Now"... Produced by Timbaland

Drake's debut album "Thank Me Later" leaked...

Here is first listen to "Thank Me Now" produced by Timbo.

To be honest... Drake delivers like usual... production? meh... Pharell would of done this way better. Your thoughts?

Drake is going to go a long way... he will be considered a great...

54 Comment(s):

thepestilence said...

dude,this is a hot track...
am loving the production on it...
not ur usual timbo sound but it sounds like timbo might be up to somethin new...
am very intrigued
as for pharrell making it better,i doubt that...did u listen to the game's song with JT "aint no doubt about it" i feel tainted just mentioning it...thats got to be the worst song JT was featured in

edwin_639 said...

im feeling this track very smooth!! great ending to the album!

Bassick said...

The past Skateboard P would definitely have done this a lot better. Not sure about the present one, though. :/

Frankly I was expecting much worse. I like the way it ends, wraps up the album nicely.

Big-A said...

and that's what you need a Timbaland for?? what a waste of budget!! I wanna make clear I just listened to it cause of Timbo, I still can not stand this Drake character.

Haze said...

fucking knew it! mediocre at best. no banger..

Haze said...

considered a great? lmaoo.

Amir said...

On My Opinion, Holly Track!
Thanxx Drake
If i'd C A Fallin Star Yesterday... Id Wish That Dis Track Would B Leaked:P

Its Quite Anoyin' That Tha Album has been Leaked Before realese Time, But "Thats Tha Way it Is..."

Anonymous said...

i don't want to believe in this :/

Anonymous said...

wait til we hear last train to paris

Lez Carmen said...

@moon1283 Something new...LMAO

I listened to the whole album, all the while anticipating the Timbaland contribution, only to by met with a very vanilla track WTF! thats if it was even made by him. The Neptunes really could have done it better.
Boi-1da & co came with the best beats on this project, Making the big time vets look like newcomers. What a joke.

EQ said...

Timbo did well, I'm glad this beat is different from his previous productions. And Pharell? HA! no way you would know he would've come up with something better

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
thepestilence said...

lez carmen,i get y ur disappointed,but this aint timbo's normal style...timbo has been changing his style alot lately and its kinda obvious that he is searching for something new...
the beat aint as intricate as we're used to...but the sound is still hot,and even though i am indifferent bout drake,he flows very nicely on it...this track is better than "say something"...
am loving it

Unknown said...

I reckon this is dope. Got a really nice style and feel to it, and those chopped reversed strings with the pads are insane.... good stuff. Quite chilled and abstract.

lol I know when Venture posts because he always makes his opinions pretty clear :p

French Guy said...

WOO GREAT TIMBO TRACK ! its good to hear it !

Venture said...

What are some of you hearing? Timbaland is a legend... and he changed urban music... can't take that away at all...

But mediocrity is mediocrity no matter the source.

This track is laid back (not the problem)... but very vanilla and mediocre. Drake carries this track because he is always saying something worth listening too.

Boi-1da destroyed Timbo on this album. Yeah that Game track Pharell did was admittedly wack sauce lol... but y'all know the Pharell we know and love would of made this track betters.

Hell, the Tim we know and love would of done better. Some of you need to go listen to the stuff Tim did before.

@Keith lol yeah... Tim is human... just as any other producer is... so if I can tell another person my opinion... so I will everyone... know what I'm sayn? lol

Swan said...

Thank me now is a good track. Tim is switchin his style up i see. But yea it def has that "neptunes sound"

Anonymous said...

Drake carried the track. If I wasn't told this was timbo & co I wouldn't have known. That's not really a bad thing.

I just hope --for drake's sake he didn't get tricked into paying a huge amount for this. It aint no hit.

Lez Carmen said...

@Venture Amen to that brother!

If people keep pumping up mediocre tracks like this from Tim he'll just keep making them. Its people like that who are around him in the studio, nodding their heads to anything he does and telling him its bananas when its meh.
Even Drake should have said, Tim come better than that, give me that bounce!

Alex said...

@ Venture "Boi-1da destroyed Timbo on this album."

well thats a very stupid thing to say. How many songs did Timbo do? What type of song did drake's team want from timbo? Now ask those questions about Boi-1da. You cant compare producers like that, a very inexperienced 'high school' kind of remark.

Unknown said...

Sounds like Timbo went into the studio, got one of his old beats, played it in reverse, and then sold it to Drake.

Mr. Rios said...


Have to agree... obviously it's not like out of this world but if tim's going into a different direction he can def do it.... there can be a lot done with this style.

Kenny said...

Timbaland is hurting his legacy with these lazy productions. the song is rendered in reverse, with that way, at times the notes somewhat seem offkey. It's different, in an odd sense. As for the drums, it really sounds like Timbaland half assed the drums.

I like the emotion of this track though.

This is so different from tim, I almost wouldn't label this as a tim production, sounds more like boi-1da if you ask me.

As for drake, it's amazing, for we are watching this man become a legend, as we don't notice it now, it will hit us in the future. To everyone he's just an artist, but those with keen ears will see this man to be something more than just an artist.

Venture said...

@ Alex...

Firstly, thanks for insulting my comments... I'm pretty sure they are crying. Kleenex is needed.

*lil wayne giggle*

Alex, I can very much say that Boi-1da destroyed Tim on this album. Why? I could take one track... not a collection that Boi-1da did... umm... shall I pick? "Over"... produced by Boi-1da... kills Tim's track. Shall I try again? Ok... Kanye West's "Find Your Love" destroys Tim's track.

*lil wayne giggle*

Ok... shall I try again? Swizz's track "Fancy" destroys Tim's track.

Get it? I can compare. Its simple... I just did it three times.

These young producers Boi-1da, 40, etc... are talented... and they beat out anything Tim has done with Drake. We are going by tracks... 2 tracks vs 2 tracks.

Are you a producer? I hope so... who are you to tell me how I can't handle the arts I'm involved in? Are you a engineer? I don't care... be a producer then talk... and even if you are a producer your retort is still incorrect and malignant.

I have a opinion on music, you have yours. Just don't call my opinions, theories, ideologies, beliefs, etc... "stupid".

I'm an adult... you talk to me like one. If you can't apply this simple algorithm... I won't reply to you.

Now let me ask you... how stupid is that?

*Jay Z shrug*

Venture said...

Drake is ascending. Word to my mother.

Unknown said...

someone needs to tell drake to stop wit slow ass beats n get a lil more uptempo...jay z off that was way faster than this..can drake rap on a faster beat..hard to tell cuz this whole album is slow as in no uptempo crazy insane ass why should have timbaland not followed suit if drake paid or told him..all the production was nice on the album..but aint no way any producer kills any timbaland production..cuz no beat killed anything on here..cuz the beats were too damn simple..drake shoulda begged timbaland for a bouncy track.if drake is so good he should b able to rap on any kind of beat..espcially a crazy ass timbaland track if he coulda handled opinion timbaladn was followin the format for the crazy insane stuff..simple..which is a shame..all in all its a good song..

Unknown said...

like someone said..if these rappers keep askin for beats like this..timbaland is gonna keep doin this..wish eminem woulda asked him for a track..oh i remember bus a rhyme from missy's album...some rappers got versatility...n some dont

Alex said...

@Venture "Boi-1da destroyed Timbo on this album."

Clearly your upset so ill make it clearer for you..

Timbaland did 1 track
Boi-1da did 4.

You can't say he got destroyed when he only did one song for THAT album.

How much do you think Drake paid Timbo for that beat? Seeing as you are a producer you will know about beat price ranges.

Now how much do you think Boi-1da got paid for each beat.

Timbaland and Drake both know what is a good beat and a bad one, but Drake and his team wanted this particular (lower costing) beat to go at the end of the album as an outro feel. He could of chosen many others (or paid more - i.e "say something" type beat), but it fitted where Drake wanted to go with the album.

If your gonna really go there and compare Boi-1da and Timbaland you really are STUPID.

Pretend your Weezy or Jay all you want, either way for someone who contributes to a TIMBALAND blog I would've expected some more respect and understanding for not only Timbaland but the way artists and producers work.

Oh and btw "but y'all know the Pharell we know and love would of made this track betters." Firstly its The Neptunes, they are a team of producers, don't forget that and secondly Timbaland "destroyed" the beat selection on BP3 by a mile and before you go saying but he only made 1 beat and Timbaland made 3 think about your Boi-1da statement. Maybe now you understand...

*clicks over to TCC*

Venture said...

Kenny... can you please point out all the wrongs in this guys post for me? I'm done.


I think Drake can rap over faster beats. Yeah, this album is slow/mid tempo.

I knew Drake wasn't going to do that type of awesome stuff he did with Lykke Li and Peter Bjorn, etc... on this album.

Unknown said...

thats what i stated b4 about the beat had to fit the album flow..

Lez Carmen said...

Some people are fans, the rest are stans...

Real fans show respect by speaking the truth and instigating growth, the rest are blinded by it, choosing to see mediocre has magnificent, hindering an artists need to elevate their skills, and become a better version of themselves.

Timbaland is and will always be the king.

Alex said...


Mr. Rios said...

so I gotta say.... This album is amazing imo. The production is very creative and I was actually surprised he went with more singing. I like the album so much that I'm comparing it to Kanye's Graduation. Speaking of Kanye his other drake on TML is a little stuttery, no?

ps Yeah... I was feelin tim's track but after listening to the whole thing.... gotta say others outshine it by far. That bream one is my fav right now

Black Arrow said...

Okay, now after listening to the album from beginning to end, "Thank Me Now" fits really good to the overall feel of the album. It's a nice track. nothing I would have expected from a Timbaland production. Really sounds nothing like him, which can be a good thing but also a bad thing.
When I listened to the track the first time I was like....hmmmm, meh... But again, after listening to the whole thing, for me "Thank Me Now" fits perfectly!
I just can't imagine a second "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" or "Put You On The Game" type of beat on that album. Just wouldn't fit to the feel of the album.

And by the way, my favorite tracks on the album are the 2 tracks produced by Kanye West.
What are your fave tracks?

Lez Carmen said...

'Over' 'Shut It Down' 'Up All Night'
'Light It Up'
"I would have want insane if I remained the same me"

Still not buying into MAJOR milky 'Thank Me Now' If, and thats a big if, Drake wanted it to fit the end of the album, Tim still should have dealt an ace, bottom line.
Didn't have to even be a bouncy track, could have been a slow jam like Aalayahs '4 Page Letter' or Missy's You Dont Know.
Everyone talking ish about him trying something new, lets get it straight, its called being laaazy, that ish aint nothing new to my ears.
I still cant believe it was Tim the innovator, who sat down and created this work of mediocrity.

Hmm Wonder If Michelangelo had painted over the the Sistine chapel, with cows, chickens and finger paints, the people would have said oh, his trying something new, and accept that ish... Hell no there would have been a riot. LOL

Roderick said...

i like the Tim track quite a bit, my fave song on this album? no. But thats more on Drake's delivery on this song versus other songs on the album. i like singin Drake better.
Also, Tim placed his song on this album so he did 'Deliver'. Drake worked with a whole slew of other producers for this record, but chose that Tim song to make the cut. Drake and co. (management and others) are happy w/ it. otherwise it wouldnt be on the album.

The album is solid and playable all the way thru, in second and third listen, i started skipping the Swizz track, and OVER cause i been played it too much.
Also, most of this album sounds like he was following the r&b joints on SO FAR GONE, which are Timbaland inspired anyway...

Venture said...

Look... it may or may not be cohesive with the album... but that doesn't mean the track has a lack of quality or doesn't, or if it is or isn't mediocre.

Its mediocre. All the other tracks aren't mediocre... and they fit the album.

All I'm saying... Drake could of got an unknown producer to produce a better track... and it would of been a lot cheaper.

If some of you can't see that...

thepestilence said...

remember when timbo said he never falls off,he just relaxes like a vampire in a coffin,and when he wakes up u better be prepared coz someone is gonna get bitten on the neck,and the next thing u know is u got a whole lot of vampires runnin around...well this is exactly it.he has been laying low,lettin all these one time hitters do their stuff,which they all got from him anyways,and then he'll dominate again...
as am writing this am thinking timbo has done this alot of times,but what r the chances of him doing it again???
i just hope he didnt give us all that he has to offer...and although its just not ready nor will i ever be ready for rehab...

my name is "the pestilence" and am a timboholic

Venture said...

Tim is a human... he is a producer who has legendary track record. He can fall off... and he has.

Remember it was Polow who saved his career at a point? Timbaland isn't a god... everyone falls off.

What Timbo has been putting out lately has been subpar... subpar in music in general, and subpar referenced to Timbo's own name.

Think about it.

I'm all for Tim trying new sounds... as long as it has the same quality of his known name.

I can't name a one-hit producer out right now. Boi-1da isn't, 40 isn't, etc..., etc...

I think Tim's sound has been watered due to acquaintances. I will leave it at that.

Alex said...

What he mentions around 4:15 on this video shows what Timbaland's grind is on right now, he's already proven himself, now he wants to make other artists shine. So to a degree i disagree with the statement he fell off, but agree obviously that his newer material isnt comparable to his older classic material. Its like what Jay-Z said like my old shit buy my old album. Be grateful this man is still contributing to music. Venus vs mars morning after dark say something intuition by keri crazy girl, all solid tracks.....did you see how chicks reacted to morning after dark when it came out? damn..even those james fauntleroy leaks were sick. I guess we all have our opinions, it just gets to me when people judge and almost disregard his whole career over a drake beat...Drake is dope but he is only Drake know what i mean. Maybe in 2 years Timbo will make another big pimpin for drake when he is established and ppl will be like OMG tim is back finally, just like when futuresex/lovesounds came out.

Let Timbo the King decide when to play his aces.

Venture said...

Jay Z said if you like my old stuff... go buy my old stuff... because Jay Z is off the old sound, and wanted to try something new.

I digress... I'm all for Tim trying different sounds... like he did... and succeeded with Danja... but this time it isn't quality.

I'm a producer of versatility... I'm a strong believer in it. Although Tim is not a versatile producer... I still support all moves of versatility.

I don't support music I don't like. Drake is awesome.

Alex said...

"Tim is not a versatile producer"

- Come on man, seriously how does indian flute and way i are sound the show no respect.

"I'm a producer of versatility"

- Honestly good luck to you on that for real and congrats on being so 'versatile' like you say. But hey can't judge music i haven't heard right?

You do have wild opinions, in my opinion they are quite close minded and well frankly yes stupid; "be a producer then talk" So you have to be a producer to have knowledge or have an opinion? not sure how far your gonna go with that kind of mentality. Maybe you should do a different blog? i dunno maybe an artist you support? Just an opinion.

Alex said...

On Timbaland’s signature style…

He’s cut out his niche in history. If I could sum it up in one word, it would be “innovative.” He not only raised the bar, but he sets the standard. It’s just one of those things. If Timbaland says this is dope, then most times it’s dope. He’ll do new things that are great. He’ll try something new, but it will be totally accepted and loved by everybody. To me, that’s what he’s known for. Some people will do something new, but people be like, “That’s too far out there” or “He was reaching.” But Tim is always in pocket. Trendsetter, man. - Malice of Clipse


Unknown said...

did someone just say timbaland isnt versatile..hmmm...theres alot n i mean alot of big name producers who lack that versatility..n timbaland has never been one of i said b4 if timbaland had to follow the format of the album which is to say slow n no uptempo stuff..well thats what drake gets for not havin any real bouncy club bangers on his first cd..everytime timbaland comes up wit a new sound date back to the early and late 90's..other producers have been jackin that style..Somethin tells me Drake cant rap on anything prolly pass a high bpm..cuz none of his album is like that..Yall forget its the artist who select n pay for the u cant blame timbaland for doin this..or should i bring up that track he did for birdman or some other major artists who wanted a really slow simple beat..blame the artist for not being versatile enuff to want a classic timbaland joint n pay for it..Like i said prior the beat fits the endin of that album..period..yall talkin that trash now on timbaland..just wait..same people said he fell off then jumped back on the bandwagon when he started makin the bangers again..patience..sheesh im still waitin on detox..and yall say timbaland fell off..Dr. Dre needs to make a huge comeback..only time will tell..those are my two top producers of all time btw in my opinion..noone messes wit dre n tim..legends..period

Venture said...

Any producers here want to explain what I mean by saying that Timbo isn't a "versatile" producer? Tim is a urban-pop (even though in actuality, pop is considered urban... so really... urban) producer. Thats it. Ain't nothing wrong with that at all.

Versatility isn't needed. Versatility is nice to have.

Anyways... whew... stans are scary.

Kenny said...

Versatility is a broad word, as applying to production, Tim is not even CLOSE to being a versatile producer, for there are dozens of electronic genres in which tim can divulge himself into but he remains to be a pop/rap producer.

All in all, Boi-1da had clearly the more acceptable records placed on this album, in vice-versa to what Venture had said, Boi-1da did indeed destroy him, but that's almost an analogy, Boi-1da is a up and coming producer, in terms, he gives up his best beats to any artist and most definitely especially Drake (his twitter picture is drakes album) because he does NOT have the standing stature to call upon a great price and expect people to follow up on it, as for Tim, he has gone old, his prime has ended (shock value II...) and Boi-1da is really just giving up his best beats for cheap.

At the end of the day, the entire album was just a business deal, to Tim, I'm sure he has a great reason why his tracks weren't all over his album, I can take a wild guess that he charges too much.

There shouldn't be the need to bash each other on your own opinions.

We are discussing this album and this album only, we aren't talking about Timbaland and his entire discography, referring to this album only, Boi-1da has the upper hand.

Kenny said...

And in all honesty.

I believe this track

needs more singing than rapping.

I feel like artist do not know how

to tackle songs correctly.

This is why Timbaland is the king.

He's not just a beatmaker.

He TELLS the artist exactly how to rap the song, exactly how to sing the song, and if it can't be done right? He does it himself.

That's what a producer is.

Shit, might as well call Tim a damn Composer.

'Sho 'nuff

Venture said...

'Sho 'nuff! *cee-lo shuffle*

Unknown said...

boi-1da destroyed timbaland..can someone repeat that again..please n make sure u give the great reason why..i didnt hear any n i mean any jaw droppin beats on this cd...what i mean is i didnt go damn the beat is bananas..on none of them..people forget to realize how timbaland has changed n flipped the game everytime he switches his style or his production style up..boi-1da doesnt have a beat that ive heard that make me go damn..hes a good up n comin producer but so was timbaland at the start of his career when jodeci n da bassment were still in tac...Timbaland is can go alternative,pop, rock,rnb, rap, damn even country if he really wanted to...but agreed we are talkin about the drake cd..but all the beats were simple in a sense..nice production dont get me wrong, but nothin jaw droppin..We all know that Tim is goin down in history as one of the greatest producers, Dr. Dre is up there wit him too..Most of these producers out here only stick to one kind of beat..thats the industry problem..Timbaland set the standard on being so far in advance of other producers..some are still tryin to catch up to the ish he did in 2000..what he n missy used to call em..beat biters..i dont knock other just pointin out that b4 u go say someone destroyed someone..that beat better be a classic 10 years from now..hmm not happenin on this cd..sorry..u want a classic beat from timbaland..wait im sorry..theres too many to mention...thats like they had a vote in philly on a radio station n most of the people callin in said that drake is more lyrical then eminem...poor misguided souls...drake is good but to say that statement..was wrong

Lez Carmen said...

It's always the "stans" that go of subject, constantly rumble, nit-pik at other peoples comments, take things out of context, all the while choosing to ignore what the other person is really trying get across. Yep they sure are easy to spot.

Its somewhat entertaining.

Lez Carmen said...

Anyone that you need to explain real versatility to, is not worth engaging in debate.

thepestilence said...

i thought versatile meant being able to move freely...isnt it?
i dont understand this "stans" reference...
am not a producer,and i didnt study music,but i listen to timbo's music religiously...timbo is my music god,and i take his scriptures very always trying to find out how he makes his does that make my knowledge of timbo's music any less than those who know the hidden meaning of "versatility"?
i listen to any form of music for different sounds,innovative ideas...from the extremes of rock to the dead,dull space of r&b,and he is the only producer that really knows how to make sense of it...
i thought timbo's music crossed most cultures and thats y he is big almost everywhere...r&b,pop,hiphop,rock,southern,arabian...
those who r not "stans",would u plz explain what "versatility" really means?(seriously,am not jabbing anyone here,i just want to know for my own benefit)
and could someone tell me if the marching on video is a timbo's remix to his original remix?

Alex said...

I'm a different Alex. I like the feel of the track, but it is also boring to me after about 30 seconds. Also, these mixpod music players are awful. They load slower than anything I've seen...

miguel said...

It's fun reading this almost a year later i enjoyed the track it fit the album