Not taking anything away from Leona, she did well here. But "Cry me a River" is one of those tracks that always sounds good no matter who covers it, providing they have atleast a decent voice and they dont mess with the song too much. And JT deserves full credit for that.
My favorite part of Cry me a River was always the strings but this cover didn't need them. Props to Scott Storch for coming up with the driving melody and JT for the lyrics.
i dont know if storch is to thank for that sound,maybe a few strings but nothing major... listen to "nowhere"by bubba,or "i tried" by brandy,or even "what goes around"...the only constant thing is timbo in all tracks. but for cry me a river i think its mostly JT and timbo... as for this cover,am actually diggin leona got hot vocals,if only she could put them to good use(with timbaland that is) of all female singers,i wish christina would let timbo & JT produce her next album...(am drooling to the idea just as am writing it)lol
@moon1283 Nothing major??? Wake up. I suppose the piano riff on 'Still Dre' is nothing major also. Dude your bonkers, don't lie to yourself. Love or hate Scott, There would be no CMAR if that riff did not exist' The WHOLE track is built around that riff. If you were to ask anyone to hum 'Cry Me A River' you'll see what happens. LOL Nothing major...Ha ha ha!
lez carmen,y r u mad man??? i didnt say storch sucks,but he aint timbo. as for that riff,it was used in "gone" by nsync,cry me a river and wga...its not the riff that made that song special,its whats around it from beat boxing,to horns,to symphonies.without all of these sounds this song wouldnt have been huge...its the sounds that made it trippy...its how u put them together as for scott where is he now? one riff and thats it???? he produced Paris Hilton,and brooke hogan for god's sake maybe u should refresh on ur music before u tell me to not lie to myself...i like lyin to myself,its great lol its just my opinion man dont be hating
@Moon1283 Mad??? I'm dumbfounded to how you came up with that from a simple non aggressive comment. Who's talking about anything being special? you said its nothing major, and thats what my com was about. Even the King would probably tell you slow your role, and give respect were respect is due.
Dude, I don't give a monkeys about Scotty. The point is you dismiss what he's done, like he didn't have you leaning back one summer lol Talk about hate, you sound like your the one who is a big time a haterator lol You said its everything thats built around the riff! My point exactly without the riff there would be nothing to build around, bottom line, full stop. So you can just CRY ME A RIVER, GO ON A JUST, CRY ME A
Ps. Refresh my music WTF, you like saying random bull-ish, don't you. I guess everyone who references old songs has to refresh their music...Your ridonkilous, and you said it after you referred to old songs yourself. LMAO big time.
how do u know storch made that riff??? it might have been jt???or timbo all i was sayin is that cry me river would have happened with or without that riff... and am not hating on storch...well maybe a bit,but i dont think he should get a big credit on that song...and he actually didnt,coz timbo thought he didnt do much,isnt that the cause of the whole feud...who gives a flyin rat's bottom... "random bullsh-t"? i was just tellin u that jt used it before so it could have happened that jt might have come up with it... dudess,no hard feelings... i hope we're cool these r just opinions and we all have one peace :)
@Moon1283 Of course, its all healthy debate and opinions around here.
P.s Storch 100% made that riff, everyone knows that. There is even a old mixtape where Storch is going through some of the riffs he created, by playing them on his keyboard, then Tim comes in the studio and says to Scott can we do it can we do it, then Tim starts to beat box and Scott plays the riff. ;)
I think the feud was about people talking trash behind Tims back, saying he was not hot anymore and has falling off etc and Scott was meant to have been one of them. But we all know Tim was just sleeping like a Vamp just like he said, because him and Danja came and bitch slapped the world. LOL They did it once, they will do it again!
well i didnt know u had proof...then scott deserves his credit and i was wrong ;) i thought danja and timbo r off forever...they do make a good duo but i gotta say that timbo was at his best when he ripped it alone...(i know...debatable) lets hope he goes back to that soon
14 Comment(s):
Not taking anything away from Leona, she did well here. But "Cry me a River" is one of those tracks that always sounds good no matter who covers it, providing they have atleast a decent voice and they dont mess with the song too much. And JT deserves full credit for that.
My favorite part of Cry me a River was always the strings but this cover didn't need them. Props to Scott Storch for coming up with the driving melody and JT for the lyrics.
...and of course Leona for the wonderful voice.
timbo probably made the drums in cry me a river song and storch played the keys i guss thats why they started to fight
i dont know if storch is to thank for that sound,maybe a few strings but nothing major...
listen to "nowhere"by bubba,or "i tried" by brandy,or even "what goes around"...the only constant thing is timbo in all tracks.
but for cry me a river i think its mostly JT and timbo...
as for this cover,am actually diggin
leona got hot vocals,if only she could put them to good use(with timbaland that is)
of all female singers,i wish christina would let timbo & JT produce her next album...(am drooling to the idea just as am writing it)lol
@moon1283 Nothing major??? Wake up. I suppose the piano riff on 'Still Dre' is nothing major also. Dude your bonkers, don't lie to yourself.
Love or hate Scott, There would be no CMAR if that riff did not exist' The WHOLE track is built around that riff. If you were to ask anyone to hum 'Cry Me A River' you'll see what happens. LOL Nothing major...Ha ha ha!
lez carmen,y r u mad man???
i didnt say storch sucks,but he aint timbo.
as for that riff,it was used in "gone" by nsync,cry me a river and wga...its not the riff that made that song special,its whats around it from beat boxing,to horns,to symphonies.without all of these sounds this song wouldnt have been huge...its the sounds that made it trippy...its how u put them together
as for scott where is he now?
one riff and thats it????
he produced Paris Hilton,and brooke hogan for god's sake
maybe u should refresh on ur music before u tell me to not lie to myself...i like lyin to myself,its great lol
its just my opinion man dont be hating
Mad??? I'm dumbfounded to how you came up with that from a simple non aggressive comment.
Who's talking about anything being special? you said its nothing major, and thats what my com was about. Even the King would probably tell you slow your role, and give respect were respect is due.
Dude, I don't give a monkeys about Scotty. The point is you dismiss what he's done, like he didn't have you leaning back one summer lol Talk about hate, you sound like your the one who is a big time a haterator lol
You said its everything thats built around the riff! My point exactly without the riff there would be nothing to build around, bottom line, full stop.
So you can just CRY ME A RIVER, GO ON A JUST, CRY ME A
Ps. Refresh my music WTF, you like saying random bull-ish, don't you. I guess everyone who references old songs has to refresh their music...Your ridonkilous, and you said it after you referred to old songs yourself. LMAO big time.
Peace out...Fin
how do u know storch made that riff???
it might have been jt???or timbo
all i was sayin is that cry me river would have happened with or without that riff...
and am not hating on storch...well maybe a bit,but i dont think he should get a big credit on that song...and he actually didnt,coz timbo thought he didnt do much,isnt that the cause of the whole feud...who gives a flyin rat's bottom...
"random bullsh-t"?
i was just tellin u that jt used it before so it could have happened that jt might have come up with it...
dudess,no hard feelings...
i hope we're cool
these r just opinions
and we all have one
peace :)
Of course, its all healthy debate and opinions around here.
P.s Storch 100% made that riff, everyone knows that.
There is even a old mixtape where Storch is going through some of the riffs he created, by playing them on his keyboard, then Tim comes in the studio and says to Scott can we do it can we do it, then Tim starts to beat box and Scott plays the riff. ;)
I think the feud was about people talking trash behind Tims back, saying he was not hot anymore and has falling off etc and Scott was meant to have been one of them.
But we all know Tim was just sleeping like a Vamp just like he said, because him and Danja came and bitch slapped the world. LOL
They did it once, they will do it again!
well i didnt know u had proof...then scott deserves his credit and i was wrong ;)
i thought danja and timbo r off forever...they do make a good duo
but i gotta say that timbo was at his best when he ripped it alone...(i know...debatable)
lets hope he goes back to that soon
Yes. The song is built over Scott's riff. Cry Me a River would NOT have happened without it. :)
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