Sunday, 13 June 2010

Keri Hilson - Hold Your Breath (feat. Timbaland)

Keri Hilson - Hold Your Breath (feat. Timbaland)

Well here is "Hold Your Breath" which we previously caught a snippet of in low quality. This track could be included on Keri's upcoming studio album.

Is this Timbaland's new sound he was talking about...?

Maybe we can share our opinions when we get past these horrible shouts...

25 Comment(s):

Haze said...

i kinda like this track! was kinda being sarcastic with timbo's new sound btw :D

Haze said...

I think that this track illustrates why timbaland shouldnt feature on every track he produces...

Actu-FN said...

Greaat song timbo one wants more :p

Frederick said...

Same shit as Michelle Branch except without the Na Na Naa's. I called it.

Alex said...

Not a bad track. I'm pretty indifferent to it, but think it may be a grower. Keri's hook is pretty strong. Pretty repetitive track after a while, though. People need to start making more interesting music, period. God, Keri's vocals need de-essing really badly.

Kaka92 said...

if he wouldnt use autotune the song would be way way way better

Haze said...

Haha Fred I said that in a draft for this post but I thought it was too vague a similarity..

thepestilence said...

ok...this is more like it
a step in the right direction...
its not bad at all,especially after the getaway disaster
still not there yet though...
i feel like we're getting timbo back soon
keri is sexy as always

Big-A said...

I turned it off few seconds after I heard this annoying autotune. can't judge the song therefore.

Amir said...

CANT HOLD MY BREATH!! makes me wanna Sing!:P

Feulner23 said...

nice sound!!!

Feulner23 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bilza said...

Auto-tune aint the only problem. Timbo shouldn't sing too much on a track. Nonetheless, this is nice. I aint a fan of Keri's voice all that much, she sounds horrible Live in particular but she delivers very well on this.

Frederick said...

The only time I'm aware of that Tim could sing was with James Fauntleroy in 2008... otherwise, he's pretty terrible.

Haze, the only difference is the guitar's missing, Timbaland's on auto-tune, and Keri in place of Michelle without Na Na Naaa's. Otherwise, same song.

Watch Danja and Keri... oops, I mean, Kevin Cossom writing for Keri, come out with a song that blows this away. Danja doesn't even have to try hard, really.

thepestilence said...

hey frederick,are u high???
danja doesnt have to try hard???
i love danja and all,but sometime u pple irritate me...
ok so he co-produced a few tracks with the king...i still dont see him topping the friggin charts...or making that sounds that just blows us away...and with all due respect to danja and his fans,he aint even in the same league with ryan tedder when it comes to production,and ur sayin he can do better than timbo?
ok...i agree timbo hasnt been delivering it good as of late but
he done it so many times he doesnt need to prove anythin anymore...
and i love it when timbo gives character to the song...and this track aint that bad at all

French Guy said...

OMG !! all i wait from timbo, this track is crazy, fucking good, fan of that ! thx !

French Guy said...

OMG !! all i wait from timbo, this track is crazy, fucking good, fan of that ! thx !

Unknown said...

Like the song. But I kinda wanted that intro that was played when the track was first previewed on the youtube clip of one of his live performances.

But yeah, it's a good track. And better than most of the stuff on Keri's last album.

Timbo's feature isnt too bad. I dont mind him doing stuff like this as long as he doesnt do it on his own albums like Shock Value 2. Autotune is ok for a few random features, just not for all of his tracks.

Louis-Seb said...

This is awesome!!!!

Sounds like Danja is on it! Really fucking good!

Bassick said...

*sigh* This is whack. So sick of hearing the same ol' chords. I won't even comment on the auto-tune.

Don £ Blaze said...

It does sound like Danja had a hand in this. I doubt this is the final version. But I def' like the bounce/energy on this one! This is actually Timbaland's song and not Keri! It should say featuring Keri really!

Frederick said...

Moon, chill! It's just that, when I think back to Keri's biggest single (it was Knock You Down, right?), this track has none of the innovation and energy that would give Keri another hit, is all I feel. I don't dislike the track. It's just, Timbo and Keri can and have done better. Should do better, is more like it. This album should put Keri out there, and be the reason why her 3rd album doesn't get pushed back.

Frederick said...


No, seriously, though... I have an appreciation for his new sound now.

da CHEF said...

aiight this song is tight...i love the Bobby Brown dont be cruel adlib toward tha end...why coz only a true timbaland fan knows timbo music...

and i hate to break it to you guys but all the other producers yall mention are either protoges or have been helped by Timbaland to get where they are...Danja used to be known as Danjahands and was part of the supafriends back in the when you hear danja youre hearing the influence Timbo had on Danja...

I really hate when the haters hate on the most successful MUSIC PRODUCER of all time...hes even outdone his idol Quincy Jones...not to mention the reason why music is the way it is today.

If it wasnt for the talented Timbaland,Missy Elliott,Aaliyah (RIP), Ginuwine, Playa,Static (RIP), Sean Garrett,Lil Mo, Nicole,Tweet and all the numerous artists that acutally Timbaland & Missy helped over the past 2 wouldnt be where it is today

who melded pop rock dance hip hop & r&b,etc together surely it wasnt Danja or Ryan Tedder or anyone else

look back to the facts of music history before you go and BLAH BLAH BLAH ur opinions

sorry besides Biggie, Tupac, & Dr Dre, and a few others

Timbaland and the rest of them help mold where music is today well in the hip hop/pop/r&b genre

so u can say what you want about it but when u travel through the discography you will see how much of an IMPACT timbaland has had in the music world especially how many artists hes catapulted with his love for music

look at him now dominating the pop rock dance folk genre hope he will venture into techno downtempo & industrial coz i think hed do well no matter what kind of music he makes

btw this song is not officially released its a leaked version from Black & Beatz blog (the future of hip hop) meaning they prolly finally got permission to put it out there prolly becoz the public been bugging and bugging what ever happened to this you know how many timbo tracks that are out there by so many artists that are household names or newcomers...literally the list is endless

timbaland said...

dis shit is good as hell