Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Timbaland & Michelle Branch Live

Here you've got Timbo & Michelle in London performing "Getaway" live on stage!
Check it out:

11 Comment(s):

Venture said...

Nah, this is ummm... you know... why don't people enjoy music anymore? Move your fucking body!

I love how Tim brings his daughter out now... lovely.

Tim was mad bored with his adlibs lol.

MAESTRO said...

@ Black Arrow ist das nicht Mario Müller Westerhagen bei 3:19 min bis 3:22 ??? doch ode. Was macht er da :D

Black Arrow said...

LOL, stimmt. wo du's jetzt sagst XD. kein plan, steht vielleicht auf MINI lol

Mr. Rios said...

Oh snap!? What happened...? I fell asleep. Dude this track is burrrrrrrrraaahhhhhhhh

Mr. Rios said...

Oh snap!? What happened...? I fell asleep. Dude this track is burrrrrrrrraaahhhhhhhh

Venture said...

Other languages and double posts = wtf to me. :P

Black Arrow said...

probably Timbo's laziest performance I ever saw in my life. He is even chatting with Steve DURING the show lol.
and also a lot of audio interference (that's the right word in english?) at some points. for example at 3:55 min.

borissdisco said...

O_o i dont know wich problem had timbo, but it had a problem apparently , timbo makes nothing, chat , michell seems to ask what happens too lol..

Venture said...

Here is a transcript of what happened:

*hey yall my baby said hi*

Tim: Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't stop the musi...
Tim: *thinks to self... where am I? i wanna be somewhere else*
Tim: Aye Steve you seen Family Guy last night?
Steve:<< Nah buddy... was it good?
Tim:... hell yeah it was funny boi... whooo let me tell ya...

Michelle: Where is my guitar?
Michelle: Oh Tim, I seen Family Guy...

Anonymous said...

That was just a awful performance on tim's part. Michelle was lookin like... "WTF are you doin? help me out here!"

Track has no energy at all and there is nothing grungy about it.

Bilza said...

Timbo isn't a singer nor is he a performer. Michelle needs help with what? You can't blame anybody. The song is ok but doesn't have the energy to be performed Live in front of a large crowd. You can listen to this if you're strolling around in the sun with your dog, that's it lol