Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Tim feels... he created Dub-Step? Or Dub-Bass...

Well... that looks like what is being said. RWD (rewind) Magizine recently sat down with Tim to get a few information from him and Michelle Branch... Check out an excerpt!

And the last part of the press conference was even more insightful. “Well you know; I’m always over here,” Mr Mosely said to the question, ‘What do you think of the UK music scene?’ before continuing with a very debatable statement. “The UK scene… they’re always telling me that I started it. You have Dub-bass…” As he said that, George Lamb of T4 and son of Archie Lamb fame, interjected with ‘Dubstep?’ and Tim schooled him. “Yeah, dubstep but I call it dub-bass [as the room laugh]. It’s the bass that drives the music. It’s funny cos they went back to some of my old music that really created that sound and just, instead of going fast, they went slow with more bass. To me, I like it but they call it dubstep. I like how they dance to it now, it’s cool.”


Props to heavy contributor moon1283

9 Comment(s):

Haze said...

omg! thats hilarious! he started the UK scene? Is he on crack?

Anonymous said...

Timbaland most certainly did NOT. Hell. That format was even around in Japanese garage music before him.

People need to stop filling his head up with lies. OMG.

Maylay said...

lol classic..
This nigga must be crazy..
He's created a lot of shit..
I think he's outta line.

Don £ Blaze said...

Tim must have been drunk

Sir Thulsa BOOM said...

Lord knows I got love for Tim and what he does, but someone needs to stop granting him interviews. Makes me miss when Missy was in the forefront and Tim was getting his Chad Hugo on. lol.

Kenny said...

That's so weird how you brought up Dubstep when I JUST recently started producing some.

Pretty cool, but Timbaland had nothing to do with the creation of Dubstep.

Frederick said...

LOL at our UK connects coming in and saying Tim's crazy.

Don £ Blaze said...

Lol @ Frederick. It's the truth, I would usually back what Tim says in interviews but this time I'm not sure at all lol

PowerMusic said...

Tim was smoking somthing, he's on crack!!!!!